Imports Volume & Value Rise by 31.7% & 35.6% in 2018 1st Quarter

2018-05-08 10:18 WBO Global

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The latest wine imports data in the first quarter of 2018 has just released, let’s go through with WBO's exclusive analysis.


Wine imports volume in mainland China in the first quarter of 2018:



Wine imports value in mainland China in the first quarter of 2018:



WBO Comments:

Under the background of RMB appreciation, the strong growth of the imports volume and value shows that domestic demand is pulling, which also indicates that the market is on the rise.


In addition, price of bottled wine, bulk wine and sparkling wine is increasing too. It means that wine consumption upgrades are obvious in China wine industry, which forces importers and distributors to improve their product system. The increase of fine wine exhibitors in March wine exhibition is a clear proof.


In the first quarter of 2018, in terms of bottled wine imports volume, top ten wine producing countries are:



In the first quarter of 2018, in terms of bottled wine imports value, top ten wine producing countries are: 



WBO Comments:

1、Both imports volume and value of Australian wines, has continued strong growth trend, driven by head brands, tariff decline and the devaluation of Australian currency to RMB.


2、The growth rate of imports value increase in Spanish wine is much higher than imports volume, confirming the impact of weather factors last year on Spain's wine exports.


3、The strong increase in imports value and volume of Italian wines shows that Italian wine consumption is developing to the individuation and fine quality, which is related to the search for the value of new products from China's importers and distributors, and the joint promotion of the government, ICE and some wine associations.


4、The United States, South Africa, Germany, Portugal and other wine producing countries have significantly increased in unit price, which should be driven by importers’ promotion on fine wines and consumers’ pursuit of personalization.


5、The increase in Moldova should be the start of China's free trade negotiation with Moldova and the low base of Moldova wine in China market.


In terms of bulk wines imports volume and value, Top ten countries are:



WBO Comments:

Upgrading and demotion of wine consumption coexisted at the same time. The demand for wine popularization and e-commerce channels has changed the setup of imported bulk wines.


Cost performance ratio and taste advantage of Chilean and Australian wines have been highlighted as well. The gap between Spain and the first two countries were widen than before, which means that the influence of Spanish base wine rise is obvious, and it is also spread fast to the international trade.


In terms of bottled wine imports volume and value, top ten provinces in mainland China are: 



WBO Comments:

Guangdong rocked to the first again and exceeds Shanghai both in imports volume and value. This shows the base of wine consumption in Guangdong is still very powerful, especially in the field of high-end and medium wine consumption. In addition, wine importers of Guangdong have increased their external radiation capability.


In terms of bulk wine imports volume and value, top ten provinces in mainland China are: 



WBO Comments:

Shandong is still the king of bulk wine imports. Shandong itself is a large wine producing province as well as a major consumption province. 


Tianjin has gone beyond the traditional wine producing province of Hebei, perhaps more because of the rise of the filling industry in the free trade zone.