2019-06-18 10:46
ASC精品酒业独家代理的米拉沃酒庄(Chateau Miraval)位于法国普罗旺斯(Provence)葡萄酒产区。由好莱坞著名影星布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)和安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)以及他们的6个孩子与佩兰家族(Famille Perrin)合作。 佩兰家族是南部法国顶尖的酿酒世家,也是著名的博卡斯特酒庄(Château de Beaucastel )的拥有者。日前,ASC与米拉沃酒庄在上海举办露天美酒派对,庆祝双方建立战略合作伙伴关系。
ASC Fine Wines, China’s leading fine wine importer and distributor, is delighted to announce the exclusive distribution of Chateau Miraval in Mainland China and Macau. Chateau Miraval located in Provence, is a unique story between two Families: Hollywood celebrities Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, and their six children with Perrin Family, iconic winemaking family in southern France, owners of the famous Chateau de Beaucastel.
Since first vintage quality of Miraval rose has always been targeting perfection and is considered by wine critic as one of the most premium estate and wine from Provence.
米拉沃酒庄高踞于科尔朗(Correns)古城(法国第一个有机葡萄产区)一个私有山谷中,占地600公顷,位于普罗旺斯心脏地带。Miraval米拉沃山谷毗邻古老的Via Aurelia,这是一条诞生于公元前3世纪的大道,由古罗⻢帝国出于军事需要而修建。Miraval庄园最初曾是凯尔特人的定居点,又为古罗⻢人占据,之后也曾作为修道院选址,以及法国王室成员的住处。14世纪,这座庄园被收录于“贵族宅邸名录”。
Tucked away in its own private valley in the ancient village of Correns ( the 1st organic wine region in France), Miraval covers 600 hectares of land in the heart of Provence.
Miraval sits at the foot of Via Aurelia – an extensive route built to facilitate Roman expansion in the 3rd century BC – representing centuries of history. Following Celtic settlement and Roman occupation, the property served as host to monastic practice and as home to members of the French Court, appearing in the Registry of Noble Houses in the 14th century.
1970年,法国著名的爵士钢琴家与作曲家Jacques Loussier成为了庄园的主人,把它改建为录音室 “Miraval Studio”。许多著名歌手及乐队在这里录制了作品,其中包括 平克·弗洛伊德 (Pink Floyd), 斯汀(Sting), Sade,小红莓乐队 (The Cranberries), 吉普赛国王 (Gipsy Kings)。
In 1970, the well-known jazz pianist and composer Jacques Loussier took ownership of Miraval, turning it into a recording studio – Le Studio Miraval. There, a number of famous musicians like Pink Floyd, Sting, Sade, The Cranberries and The Gipsy Kings came to record music.
米拉沃酒庄得天独厚的山谷位置更使它成为理想的葡萄种植地。风土表现在土壤,气候和土地的历史—葡萄酒的精髓所在。葡萄园中的歌海娜(Grenache),神索(Cinsault )和侯尔 (Rolle)等葡萄种植于海拔350米的坡地上,充足的日照和凉爽夜晚,为葡萄酒带来清新和平衡。天然的粘土和白垩土为葡萄的生长储存所需水分,并避免水分淤积,为葡萄的健康成熟营造了最理想的生长环境。园区内采用有机法栽培葡萄,完全不使用农药及其它化学物质。
Miraval’s exclusive valley location embodies an exceptional terroir. Terroir is the expression of the soil, the climate and the history of the land – the essence of the wine. At an altitude of 350 meters grapes like Grenache, Cinsault and Rolle are privileged to enjoy warm, sunny days and cool nights, bringing freshness and balance to the wines. The natural clay and chalk soils are important in retaining vital water supply while at the same time draining excess water, contributing to healthy grape maturation.The estate is cultivated organically without using herbicides, pesticides, or chemicals.
Chateau Miraval was purchased by Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in 2008. In 2012 they started their partnership with Perrin Family, to explore its untapped terroirs in pursuit of making an exceptional Rosé wine. They quickly modernized Miraval’s rose vinification and also more than doubling the wine production.
米拉沃酒庄产出过不同年份的米拉沃桃红葡萄酒,但和佩兰家族合作的第一款葡萄酒的年份是2012年。该酒一经问世,葡萄酒观察(Wine Spectator)立即将米拉沃列为世界上最好的桃红葡萄酒,因为它是其100强葡萄酒单中唯一的桃红葡萄酒。 从此以后,米拉沃酒庄在大多数公认的葡萄酒评论家中经常获得90到95的高分,被评为最优秀品质桃红。
Rosé wine has been made for centuries at Miraval but first vintage between Jolie-Pitt and Perrin Family was 2012. It immediately got listed as best Rosé in the world by “Wine Spectator” being the only Rosé in their top 100 wine list. Following vintages keep having between 90 to 95 points by international wine critics, which position Miraval as the most premium Rosé ever made.
天生明星,米拉沃频繁亮相于多种场合。最近在戛纳电影节,好莱坞大片好莱坞往事(Once upon a time in Hollywood )正式发布,Miraval作为官方用酒,随电影的众多奥斯卡明星在Albane俱乐部亮相。
Born as a celebrity, Miraval keep being under the light, particularly during the last Cannes Film Festival for the launch of “Once upon a time in Hollywood”. Miraval Rosé was the official wine served in Albane Club with the movie producer and legendary movie stars.
>酒庄拥有者: 拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)和安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)所有与佩兰家族合资(Famille Perrin)
>Winery owner: joint venture between Perrin Family and Pitt-Jolie Family
>葡萄品种: 歌海娜(Grenache),神索(Cinsault ),西拉(Syrah)和侯尔 (Rolle)
>Grape Variety: Grenache, Cinsault ,Syrah and Rolle
ASC Fine Wines, China’s leading fine wine importer and distributor, is delighted to announce the exclusive distribution of Chateau Miraval in Mainland China and Macau. Chateau Miraval located in Provence, is a unique story between two Families: Hollywood celebrities Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, and their six children with Perrin Family, iconic winemaking family in southern France, owners of the famous Chateau de Beaucastel.
Since first vintage quality of Miraval rose has always been targeting perfection and is considered by wine critic as one of the most premium estate and wine from Provence.

米拉沃酒庄高踞于科尔朗(Correns)古城(法国第一个有机葡萄产区)一个私有山谷中,占地600公顷,位于普罗旺斯心脏地带。Miraval米拉沃山谷毗邻古老的Via Aurelia,这是一条诞生于公元前3世纪的大道,由古罗⻢帝国出于军事需要而修建。Miraval庄园最初曾是凯尔特人的定居点,又为古罗⻢人占据,之后也曾作为修道院选址,以及法国王室成员的住处。14世纪,这座庄园被收录于“贵族宅邸名录”。
Tucked away in its own private valley in the ancient village of Correns ( the 1st organic wine region in France), Miraval covers 600 hectares of land in the heart of Provence.
Miraval sits at the foot of Via Aurelia – an extensive route built to facilitate Roman expansion in the 3rd century BC – representing centuries of history. Following Celtic settlement and Roman occupation, the property served as host to monastic practice and as home to members of the French Court, appearing in the Registry of Noble Houses in the 14th century.

1970年,法国著名的爵士钢琴家与作曲家Jacques Loussier成为了庄园的主人,把它改建为录音室 “Miraval Studio”。许多著名歌手及乐队在这里录制了作品,其中包括 平克·弗洛伊德 (Pink Floyd), 斯汀(Sting), Sade,小红莓乐队 (The Cranberries), 吉普赛国王 (Gipsy Kings)。
In 1970, the well-known jazz pianist and composer Jacques Loussier took ownership of Miraval, turning it into a recording studio – Le Studio Miraval. There, a number of famous musicians like Pink Floyd, Sting, Sade, The Cranberries and The Gipsy Kings came to record music.
米拉沃酒庄得天独厚的山谷位置更使它成为理想的葡萄种植地。风土表现在土壤,气候和土地的历史—葡萄酒的精髓所在。葡萄园中的歌海娜(Grenache),神索(Cinsault )和侯尔 (Rolle)等葡萄种植于海拔350米的坡地上,充足的日照和凉爽夜晚,为葡萄酒带来清新和平衡。天然的粘土和白垩土为葡萄的生长储存所需水分,并避免水分淤积,为葡萄的健康成熟营造了最理想的生长环境。园区内采用有机法栽培葡萄,完全不使用农药及其它化学物质。
Miraval’s exclusive valley location embodies an exceptional terroir. Terroir is the expression of the soil, the climate and the history of the land – the essence of the wine. At an altitude of 350 meters grapes like Grenache, Cinsault and Rolle are privileged to enjoy warm, sunny days and cool nights, bringing freshness and balance to the wines. The natural clay and chalk soils are important in retaining vital water supply while at the same time draining excess water, contributing to healthy grape maturation.The estate is cultivated organically without using herbicides, pesticides, or chemicals.
Chateau Miraval was purchased by Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in 2008. In 2012 they started their partnership with Perrin Family, to explore its untapped terroirs in pursuit of making an exceptional Rosé wine. They quickly modernized Miraval’s rose vinification and also more than doubling the wine production.

米拉沃酒庄产出过不同年份的米拉沃桃红葡萄酒,但和佩兰家族合作的第一款葡萄酒的年份是2012年。该酒一经问世,葡萄酒观察(Wine Spectator)立即将米拉沃列为世界上最好的桃红葡萄酒,因为它是其100强葡萄酒单中唯一的桃红葡萄酒。 从此以后,米拉沃酒庄在大多数公认的葡萄酒评论家中经常获得90到95的高分,被评为最优秀品质桃红。
Rosé wine has been made for centuries at Miraval but first vintage between Jolie-Pitt and Perrin Family was 2012. It immediately got listed as best Rosé in the world by “Wine Spectator” being the only Rosé in their top 100 wine list. Following vintages keep having between 90 to 95 points by international wine critics, which position Miraval as the most premium Rosé ever made.
天生明星,米拉沃频繁亮相于多种场合。最近在戛纳电影节,好莱坞大片好莱坞往事(Once upon a time in Hollywood )正式发布,Miraval作为官方用酒,随电影的众多奥斯卡明星在Albane俱乐部亮相。

Born as a celebrity, Miraval keep being under the light, particularly during the last Cannes Film Festival for the launch of “Once upon a time in Hollywood”. Miraval Rosé was the official wine served in Albane Club with the movie producer and legendary movie stars.
>酒庄拥有者: 拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)和安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)所有与佩兰家族合资(Famille Perrin)
>Winery owner: joint venture between Perrin Family and Pitt-Jolie Family
>葡萄品种: 歌海娜(Grenache),神索(Cinsault ),西拉(Syrah)和侯尔 (Rolle)
>Grape Variety: Grenache, Cinsault ,Syrah and Rolle